Monday, July 8, 2013

Support Chickens, Bees and Goats at the Long Beach City Council Meeting 7/16 5pm

It's the big moment when the Long Beach City Council will address the proposed changes to allow more people to have chickens, goats and bees.  The proposed changes to the municipal code is a bundle right now but the council members can ask for any kind of changes.  We are awaiting the proposed agenda and we are hoping that there will be a revised version of the changes.  You never know which way things will go and it would be best to email the representatives ahead of time as they will likely be reviewing opinions now!  Here are people you can contact to show your support of making urban agriculture more accessible to the people of Long Beach and changes in Long Beach will hopefully help out people trying to changes codes in other cities.  If you are in support please send the city a message, otherwise they won't know.

The city council meeting is held in the city chambers at 333 W Ocean Blvd, Long Beach, CA.  There is a time for public commentary at which time you can say something in support of chickens, goats and bees.  Hope to see you there.

From the last city meeting (below) so there may have been changes but as soon as there is updated info, I'll change it here.

The Long Beach City Environmental Committee has posted the recommended changes to the city code.

Please take a look.  One of the strangest things is that water and food need to be given every 12 hours.  That's silly.  You need to have your home inspected before a license can be issued.  And the worse, is that the "inspector" can determine if there is anything else that would be of concern that would not allow a license to be given in addition to many other things.  There is also something that says that the enclosure needs to be cleaned daily so technically deep litter wouldn't be allowed.

The City's current ordinance allows livestock in some areas of Long Beach, but not in others. The Environmental Committee is considering an ordinance that may standardize the City's livestock ordinance throughout the City, and create new standards for allowing chickens, goats and bees in residential areas.