Friday, February 8, 2013

Our First Coop Raising Success

Featured Chicken Enthusiasts:  Pearl and her son Rishi, Diamond Bar

We held our first coop raising earlier in the month for Rishi and Pearl's girls.  They have created a home  for learning called the Growing Home.  It's a great location for learning about growing your own food so what a great location for our coop raising.  We had a pretty good turn out for a pretty chilly morning.  Rishi had already started some the frame and we all chipped in to help to build a lot of the hen house and some of the run.  Some of us were still learning how to use the power tools but that's really what this meetup was about.  Learning to do it so people could make their own coops and see what might or might not work for them.

Rishi had to do a lot of work on his own after we left but he got it done and sent us a great video of the final product.  See the video here.

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